This page is meant for GUADEC organizers to help plan for the newcomers activities at the 20th Birthday Party on Saturday, July 29th. The activity will be open to everyone, but people who have been at GNOME for less than a year get 2x the tickets.

Before the Party

  • Create a trivia card with questions and tasks for people to get to know the history and people of GNOME. For example: get the initials of someone who has contributed to GNOME for more than 5 years; someone who has traveled to more than 10 countries; who speaks more than 5 languages; answer questions like: where was the first GUADEC held? On which date was GNOME founded? Where was GNOME founded? What does GNOME stand for? Try to get at least 20 things on the card.

  • Know the answers to any questions that you ask. You may want to print these out on a few sheets so people can help newcomers check their answers.

  • Print 50 - 100 copies of the trivia card

  • Buy 50 - 100 ballpoint pens to give out when you give out the cards

  • Find a raffle prize that is awesome. See if one of the sponsoring companies will donate a computer or something

  • Buy a roll of raffle tickets

During the Party

  • Set up a table where newcomers can pick up the trivia cards.

  • Make 2 - 5 announcements throughout the night to tell people about the trivia contest. Say that there will be a raffle at the end of the night.

  • Give raffle tickets upon completion. Hand out 1 ticket for completed cards, 2 tickets if they have at least 2 questions right, and 3 tickets if they get them all right.

  • Hold the raffle. Have Federico and/or Neil pull out the winning tickets.

GUADEC/2017/newcomers/birthdayparty (last edited 2017-07-11 23:03:04 by Nuritzi Sanchez)