Slogan: GNOME is Freedom

Sub-slogans (examples): Free to use, Free to use how I want to, Freedom to tinker

This marketing campaign focuses on the freedoms inherent in GNOME. This campaign has the opportunity to be extremely flexible in showcasing GNOME, and it's different freedoms, including:

  • Free - don't have to pay money or for upgrades
  • Free software - source code is freely available and can be modified
  • Accessible - frees users with accessibility needs to use their computer
  • Freedom to read - Ability to use their computer in the language of their choice / native tongue
  • Free to contribute - Similar to free software above, users and developers can give back to GNOME
  • Free to customize - Offers users a computing experience different than Microsoft Windows or Mac OS X with more customization options. This last point is a major factor factor that determines the acceptability or not of the new Gnome. Critical in this is the ability to "retrofit" parts of the UI to Gnome 2 standards, allowing a user to slowly ease into the new interface. Customisability is a major (and for Gnome 3 a critical) selling point.

Engagement/GnomeThreeBrainstorming/MarketingCampaign3 (last edited 2013-12-02 17:01:20 by WilliamJonMcCann)