Thumbnails and ontology resources

The thumbnail location of a resource is NOT stored in the ontology.

As as general principle, the local thumbnail of a resource is saved in location that can be calculated from the URL of the resource, following the thumbnails spec (specifically this page). This should be valid to any thumbnail stored locally.

FIXME What happens with remote thumbnails (the server gives me the URI of the thumbnail)

Example of the thumbnail for a physical local resource (file)

  • <urn:uuid:1231239081239> a nfo:FileDataObject, nmm:Image ;
       nie:url "file:///home/user/MyDocs/.images/1.jpeg"; 
       ... further details ...
    So the thumbnail of that resource will be:
     $HOME = /home/user
     SIZE = normal
     uri = file:///home/user/MyDocs/.images/1.jpeg
     md5(uri) = 467b8641570ac6d235c571c6d9ddf6d7
    We find the thumbnail of that resource in

Example of the thumbnail for a virtual local resource (contact)

  • <urn:uuid:1231239081239> a nco:Contact ;
       nco:fullname "Jason Bourne"; 
       ... further details ...
    In this case there is no nie:url, but we can still use the resource URI to place the thumbnails. So the thumbnail of that resource will be:
     $HOME = /home/user
     SIZE = normal
     uri = urn:uuid:1231239081239
     md5(uri) = 9f880aec747d14f51ab0fce3b5f1e53f
    We find the thumbnail of that resource in

Example of the thumbnail for a remote resource (rss entry)


Attic/Tracker/Documentation/ThumbnailsHandling (last edited 2023-08-14 12:50:11 by CarlosGarnacho)