Notification Filtering

Status: Done


We want to give users more fine-grained control over what notifications are displayed by the shell. The filtering will be done on a per-application basis, in a new gnome-control-center panel. The design for this panel can been seen here: Design/SystemSettings/Notifications.



Involved Parties

Affected modules: gnome-shell, gnome-control-center, gsettings-desktop-schemas


Design for the control-center panel is done.

Bugs for tracking the status of the implementation:

  • (./) #687932 (gsettings-desktop-schemas) Add schemas for notification filtering

  • (./) #685926 (gnome-shell) message tray: add filtering for notifications

  • (./) #642831 (gnome-shell) Support sound in NotificationDaemon

  • (./) #685928 (gnome-control-center) add a panel for configuring notifications

Experimental patches and screenshots have been attached to the above bugs.

The necessary support in applications is being tracked in GnomeGoals/NotificationSource.

How to Help

Contact Giovanni

ThreePointSeven/Features/NotificationFiltering (last edited 2013-02-15 03:45:41 by MatthiasClasen)