Suggestions on GNOME

This mean to be a small note which become my own reference to improve GNOME. This mostly is a dream or big things, anyone came to see can put their thought too.


We have seen Mac OSX successfulness, one of the key is cause they care on UX. One of UX aspect is responsiveness against user interaction, this mostly implemented as animation. Mac OSX maybe has great integration between software and hardware, enabled them to build fine-grained animation. But this won't close our chance.

In rather long surfing of articles, I found out Apples secret recipe. It is in behalf of CoreAnimation. This library enable animations to be executed in separate thread. This is a clever, yet complex (is it?), approach.

And it's all what we need.

Current GNOME Animation

In GNOME, many times I feel distracted when a notification appeared. The problem is not notification style or so. The main problem is actually lagginess.

When an animation of notification is about to come. My activity stopped because of lagginess. This fully impact my (if not our) user experience a lot.

HernawanFaizAbdillah/Suggestions (last edited 2015-10-13 23:14:32 by HernawanFaizAbdillah)