How to Contribute to GNOME

There are a lot of opportunities to participate in GNOME. What are you interested in? Try a few!

Ways to Contribute

General Guidelines

  1. Become an avid user
  2. Join the Community
  3. Familiarize yourself with our design
  4. Take some time to learn the tools
  5. Understand the License

  6. Ensure the work is your own

  7. Start small
  8. Test your changes
  9. Be patient

What to Expect

The contribution process varies depending on the type of change. Different teams have different ways of working. For example, the translation team has a different workflow than the sysadmin team. However, for general source code contributions the process is typically very similar. Please see the process overview for more details.

See Also

Contribute (last edited 2021-05-19 10:37:43 by AllanDay)