Bug Day Organizers HOWTO

This page explains how to organize a Bug Day. The central information page for people interested in joining a Bug Day is located here.

  • choose a time and day- traditionally Thursday, 9AM-9PM EST (1500-0300 GMT) - but any day will do
  • advertise it:
  • if it's a targetted bug day, make sure you've got something that people can work through, eg. a tinyurl of bugs that need working on; see the list below for suggestions.

  • make sure you or other people are around on IRC to help newbies with getting involved and motivate curious people who drop by to get involved.

  • at least one person on IRC has privileges to create new bugsquadders (ie. can grant users editbugs and can confirm)

It's the being-on-irc bit which takes time, and the motivating/helping bit which takes patience. Both are critical to success.

Examples of topic for some bug days

Proposed topics should involve at least 100 but probably no more than 3-500 bugs.

  • triage all the bugs of an application
  • triage all open GNOME 2.0 bugs
  • ...

Bugsquad/BugDaysOrganizing (last edited 2008-02-03 14:45:33 by anonymous)