Portfolio Manager to add/remove stocks. Self + Search should not be add/removable, all others are.


  • Repurpose Google Gadgets XML format for interchange (handles translations, long term we want to support writing stocks in HTML+js too)
  • Create initial versions of XML files for each existing stock
  • Replace current listing.xml file with these XML files
  • Rework Google Gadgets parser in online-desktop to be reusable module for parsing
  • Adapt bigboard internal code (StockReader etc., to use load file:/// urls)

  • Create stock viewer which loads all known modules
  • Add add/remove links to stocks in stock viewer which changes GConf

I created two mockups for this. First has no descriptions as the existing stocks don't really have a description. portfolio manager-no-description.png

The second contains a short version of the description in the description pane. Some additional details need to be worked out. portfolio manager-description-pane.png

Attic/OnlineDesktop/PortfolioManager (last edited 2013-11-22 20:34:50 by WilliamJonMcCann)