DValue Install Instructions


DValue has the following run-time and build dependencies:

  • GLib 2.12

If you are building directly out of git (which is currently the only option) then the following are additionally required:

Additionally, the following are recommended, but optional:

  • GObject 2.12
    • required for libdvalue-gvalue to be built
  • DBus 1.0.2
    • required for libdvalue-dbus to be built


Currently, your only choice for obtaining DValue is to use git. The git repository is located at http://git.desrt.ca/dvalue.git.

  moonpix:~$ git-clone http://git.desrt.ca/dvalue.git dvalue


If you plan to use DValue with dconf then please ensure that you have the dbus and gobject development packages installed at this point.

The git repository contains only original source files and no generated files. As such, it does not directly contain the normal "./configure" script.

You can build and run the ./configure script using the included autogen.sh script.

  moonpix:~/dvalue$ ./autogen.sh --prefix=/opt/gnome

Once DValue has been configured, you can build it and install it as you'd normally expect to be able to.

  moonpix:~/dvalue$ make


Of course, this part is easy.

  moonpix:~/dvalue$ sudo make install

If you're installing to a non-standard prefix then you must ensure that your PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable is configured properly. You must also ensure that you include the library path in your /etc/ld.so.conf or in the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable. Failure to do either of these may prevent you from building or using programs that depend on DValue.

Attic/DValue/Installation (last edited 2013-12-03 17:49:30 by WilliamJonMcCann)