GNOME Board of Directors meet with the Advisory Board members once every month over the phone with a specific agenda. Foundation/Community members can add their suggestions here for agenda items for future Advisory Board meetings. Many advisory meetings will have a specific topic and the relevant GNOME community members are asked to attend to either present or to ask and answer questions.

Past agenda items included:

  • GNOME 3.0 updates, where GNOME release team was invited to present the status to the Advisory Board members.
  • Copyright assignment
  • Events, where organizers of GUADEC, the recent hackfests, BostonSummit shared the event details with Advisory Board and asked for their input on future events.

  • Financial updates
  • Co-locating GUADEC and Akademy
  • GNOME Foundation 2010 goals

AdvisoryBoard/PastTopics (last edited 2010-01-21 15:42:42 by SrinivasaRagavan)