Attachment '20100916_log.txt'


   1 07:09 <API> well, people I think that we can start the weekly meeting (sorry for the delay)
   2 07:10 <API> aleiva, have you received the mails I sent yesterday?
   3 07:10  * API or Tuesday, not sure
   4 07:12 <API> well, it seems that it is not here
   5 07:12 <API> ok, just to say that I have sent the people final list to aleiva
   6 07:13 <API> so he could start to make the hotel booking
   7 07:13 <API> and this was the AEGIS update
   8 07:13 <joanie> :-)
   9 07:13 <API> anyone else have any information/question/whatever?
  10 07:16 <API> well, it seems that no questions
  11 07:17 <API> so lets move to 2.
  12 07:17 <API> GNOME 2.32 status
  13 07:18 <API> well I added that point just because the release is near
  14 07:18 <joanie> yay!
  15 07:18 <API> I'm somewhat disconnected of that, so it is just a point to ask globally
  16 07:18 <API> it is going right? any problem (apart of caribour)?
  17 07:19 <joanie> I've not yet gotten around to writing release notes
  18 07:19 <joanie> but it occurs to me that with all the contributions from CFR that it might be nice to get those highlighted
  19 07:20 <joanie> the thing with release notes (in terms of a11y's section of the full GNOME release notes) is that we get like 3 or 4 bullets worth total
  20 07:21 <mgorse> I assume the evince a11y code is in there
  21 07:21 <joanie> mgorse: I was just going to ask that
  22 07:22 <joanie> do we know that for sure?
  23 07:22 <joanie> Is that danigm's work?
  24 07:22 <API> danigm, you here?
  25 07:23  * API checking if carlos is on gnome-hispano
  26 07:23  * API no luck
  27 07:24 -!- andre [] has joined #a11y
  28 07:24 <API> mgorse, about it, I saw some at-spi releases, so I guess that were basically to move again the default relocation
  29 07:25 <mgorse> CORBA is the right now
  30 07:25 <mgorse> Corba is the default right now, I mean
  31 07:25 <API> ok
  32 07:26 <API> well, as it seems that all is going smooth related to GNOME 2.32
  33 07:26 <API> lets move to GNOME 3.0
  34 07:27 <API> eeejay`, how optimist are you related to caribou and GNOME 3.0?
  35 07:30 <API> jrocha, btw,
  36 07:31 <API> afaik ocrfeeder is not yet a official package
  37 07:31 <API> so it is not affected by gnome 2.32
  38 07:31 <jrocha> no
  39 07:31 <API> do you have plans to propose it to gnome 3.0?
  40 07:31 -!- li [~chatzilla@] has joined #a11y
  41 07:32 <API> jrocha, there are something preventing ocrfeeder proposal as gnome package?
  42 07:32 <jrocha> API, I haven't thought about it
  43 07:32 -!- raywang [~raywang@] has quit [Leaving]
  44 07:32 <jrocha> API, I'm in a conf call now, I'll get to you later
  45 07:38 -!- dexem [~dani@] has joined #a11y
  46 07:38  * aleiva here
  47 07:38 <aleiva> sorry, folks
  48 07:38  * joanie waves to aleiva
  49 07:40  * aleiva waves to joanie
  50 07:40 <aleiva> nice to see jrocha :-)
  51 07:41 <joanie> I'm thinking API got discoed
  52 07:41 <aleiva> how the meeting is going? in what item we're
  53 07:41 <joanie> aleiva: We were talking about gnome 3.0
  54 07:41 <joanie> briefly
  55 07:41 <aleiva> joanie: ok
  56 07:41 <joanie> anyhoo, what's the story with the hotel?
  57 07:41 <aleiva> as API said, I received all the mails, the list is closed
  58 07:42 <aleiva> but I need that everybody who want to get the discount send an email to me
  59 07:42 -!- API [] has quit [Ping timeout: 600 seconds]
  60 07:42 <joanie> aleiva: seriously?
  61 07:42 <aleiva> effectively API get disconnected
  62 07:42 <joanie> If so, I wonder if you should ask on the list?
  63 07:42 <aleiva> joanie: anyway, today I'm going to meet with the hotel�'s girl
  64 07:43 <aleiva> joanie: I can, of course
  65 07:43 <joanie> aleiva: basically, getting the entire group to respond to an email is going to be hard
  66 07:43 <aleiva> what I talk with her was an open group
  67 07:43 <aleiva> joanie: yes, but we can add people
  68 07:43 <joanie> aleiva: So I would be tempted to proceed with your list now
  69 07:43 <joanie> rather than wait until people respond to you
  70 07:44 <aleiva> I'm going to make the booking with the current list
  71 07:44 <aleiva> joanie: yes
  72 07:44 <aleiva> joanie: what I said is I'm going to make the booking today with the current list
  73 07:44 <joanie> yup
  74 07:44 <joanie> just saw that. Twice. :-P
  75 07:44 <aleiva> joanie: if more people want to get the discount as group, he/she need to send me an email
  76 07:44 <joanie> gotcha
  77 07:44 <aleiva> we can add people to the group after current booking
  78 07:45 <joanie> cool
  79 07:45 <joanie> and please put me down for the discount (and ask about the extended stay?)
  80 07:46 <aleiva> joanie: yes, no problem, Bryen is in the same situation
  81 07:46 <joanie> cool thanks
  82 07:46  * joanie looks at agenda
  83 07:47 <joanie> Do we have GNOME 3.0 updates?
  84 07:47 <joanie> Anyone?
  85 07:48 <mgorse> aleiva: I'm also planning on staying in Sevilla an extra night, so having a room in the hotel would be good
  86 07:49 <aleiva> mgorse: yes, I'll try, only one extra night?
  87 07:49 <mgorse> yeah
  88 07:50 <aleiva> mgorse: ok
  89 07:50 <li> joanie, I got an Orca question: how does Orca start espeak-synthesis-driver and who should be responsible for shutting it down when the session is over?
  90 07:50 <joanie> hey li
  91 07:50  * joanie laughs
  92 07:50 <joanie> li according to Brian Cameron, we (Orca) should be
  93 07:51 <joanie> li but I could only reproduce the bug in OpenSolaris. And OpenSolaris doesn't exist. So I closed the bug I'm afraid.
  94 07:51 -!- API [] has joined #a11y
  95 07:51 <joanie> However, assuming d.o.o. is still in existence, Brian put a bunch of info in the related bug
  96 07:52 <joanie> which could be used for a downstream (possibly accepted upstream) patch
  97 07:52 <joanie> li make sense?
  98 07:53 -!- joanie [] has quit [Excess Flood]
  99 07:54 <API> hmm, joanie tried to paste me the log of the meeting
 100 07:54 <API> (i have connection problems)
 101 07:54 <aleiva> API: she get disconnected
 102 07:54 <API> and it seems that she was kicked out
 103 07:54 <API> aleiva, yeah, excess flood
 104 07:54 <aleiva> API: sending to your mail
 105 07:54 <aleiva> ok?
 106 07:55 <API> remember kids, don't paste too much on irc or you will be punished
 107 07:55 <API> aleiva, ok
 108 07:55 <jrocha> API, so, about OCRFeeder
 109 07:55 -!- joanie [] has joined #a11y
 110 07:55 <jrocha> API, I haven't thought much about proposing it as a GNOME module
 111 07:55 <jrocha> API, maybe it'd be a good idea
 112 07:55 <li> joanie, do you have the bug number?
 113 07:55 <joanie> li in d.o.o?
 114 07:56 <li> joanie yes
 115 07:56 <jrocha> API, but I need to check about the policies when proposing modules, if they may ship other sources (OCRFeeder ships PyODT)
 116 07:56 <joanie> li if you give me a couple of minutes, I'll get it
 117 07:56 <li> joanie, thanks very much
 118 07:56 <API> jrocha, ships? you mean that include a library inside?
 119 07:56 <aleiva> API: done
 120 07:57 <jrocha> API, yup
 121 07:57 <API> aleiva, thanks
 122 07:57 <API> jrocha, ok, anyway, I also think that would be a good idea to propose ocrfeeder as a gnome module
 123 07:58 <li> joanie, I tried to find the bug, bug failed.
 124 07:59 <joanie> ?
 125 07:59 <joanie> li:
 126 08:01 <li> joanie, s/bug/but/
 127 08:01 <aleiva> guys, strange meeting ;-)
 128 08:01 <joanie> aleiva: heh
 129 08:03 <joanie> well, if the meeting is over....
 130 08:03 <API> aleiva, yeah, in my case I was talking alone for 10 minutes
 131 08:03 <joanie> I feel totally crapperific and need more sleep
 132 08:03 <joanie> poor API :-(
 133 08:04 <joanie> you should telecommute more. Then talking to yourself feels normal
 134 08:04 <joanie> :-P
 135 08:04 <aleiva> if somebody can do a fast summary
 136 08:04 <joanie> somebody == API
 137 08:06 <API> aleiva, well,  I guess that today minutes will be easier
 138 08:07 <aleiva> API: sure :-)
 139 08:08 <danigm> API: I'm here now... what do you want to know about evince a11y?
 140 08:08 <API> danigm, if it would be included with 2.32 release
 141 08:09 <danigm> I think so.
 142 08:09  * joanie chuckles
 143 08:09 <joanie> It would be good to ascertain the real situation
 144 08:10 <joanie> (or not mention it in release notes)
 145 08:10 -!- juanje [~jojeda@] has joined #a11y
 146 08:10 <danigm> it's in evince 2.31
 147 08:12 <joanie> danigm: okay cool
 148 08:12 <danigm> but with gnome 3 and that stuff I don't know if evince 2.32 will be current 2.31...
 149 08:13 <danigm> because it uses gtk3
 150 08:13 <joanie> I ask because I tried with Maverick (which seems to keep things pretty current with GNOME), and I didn't see AtkText implemented. But I will check again
 151 08:13 <joanie> yeah
 152 08:13 <joanie> that's what we need to figure out
 153 08:13 <joanie> danigm: Since you're active (??) on that team, could you find out for sure?
 154 08:14 <danigm> yes, I will
 155 08:14 <joanie> tyvm

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