(This page explains how to write your first topic under the index page. Same rules everything in parenthesis is comments) (This is the first topic on your index page, its usually the Introduction, but that's not always necessary)

<page xmlns="http://projectmallard.org/1.0/"
      type="topic" (this tag makes this page a topic of your index page)
      id="introduction"> (this tag gives a introduction id to your page)

    <link type="guide" xref="index"/> (here the link type makes this page a part of your guide)
    <revision pkgversion="current_version" version="0.1" date="YYYY-MM-DD" status="draft"/> (this is the status of your page)
    <revision pkgversion="current_version" version="0.2" date="YYYY-MM-DD" status="review"/> (this is the status of your content)
    <desc> (the description of your software)
      Introduction to the <app>Your_app</app> your app description. (this is what gets printed under the first topic that you put on your index page)
    <credit type="author">
      <name>Your Name</name>
      <email>Your email</email>
      <year>Current Year</year>
      <name>GNOME Documentation Project</name>
    <include href="legal.xml" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" />


    <app>Your app</app> .........................text.............................
  <p> (next paragraph)
    <app>Your app</app> ..........................................................
  <p> (the next paraagraph)

  <figure> (here's how to insert a picture) 
    <title><gui>Contact List</gui> window</title> (this is the title of your picture, the gui tags here explain the gui part that is being shown in the picture as a component of the software)
    <desc><app>Your app</app> some other description</desc> (this is the description of the picture, its only a tag)
    <media type="image (usually an image)" src="image link" mime="(image type (image/png, image/jpg, etcetra) " style="position (left,right,center)"> (this is the link)
      <p><app>Your app</app> some other description.</p> (this is what will show up on the bottom of the picture as the description)


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VikramDhillon/Sandbox/first_topic_page (last edited 2009-11-07 20:43:05 by VikramDhillon)